When is the Best Time to Post on Facebook?

Social media is all the rage these days and with good reason. It’s the perfect place to promote businesses, grow a readership, and make connections with like-minded people. But one of the things that can get a little confusing is figuring out when to post on Facebook—especially if you have a business account. For example, which days of the week are your audience most active online?

There’s some debate in the social media world as to when the best time to post on Facebook is. Some believe it’s best to post in the morning before most people have looked at their feeds. Others believe the best time to post is in the evening when everyone’s kids are in bed, and people are checking their social media before bedtime. Some again believe that the best time to post is in the middle of the night when everyone’s asleep.

Best time to post on Facebook

We’ve all seen Facebook posts from friends complaining that they don’t get much engagement on their posts or get hundreds of likes but few comments. The truth is, Facebook posts see the most engagement on Monday through Friday at three o’clock in the morning. At the same time, it is best to post at ten in the morning and noon on Tuesdays. It is highly recommended to post on these days; Tuesdays through Fridays.

Worst Time to Post on Facebook

Saturday is one of the worst days to post on Facebook. Not only will it most likely be a personal day of rest, but this app also ranks it as higher in terms of engagement than other days of the week. With more than 1.5 billion users worldwide, Facebook is one of the most popular social platforms. It’s where friends and family can keep in touch, but it’s also a powerful marketing platform.

In fact, many marketers across the globe have dedicated entire departments to growing a Facebook presence. But with all of the opportunities it can offer, it’s important to know when and how to take advantage of them—and avoid posting at the worst times.

How Do You Increase Facebook Engagement?

Facebook engagement can be hard to come by. After all, your fans are competing for attention with countless friends and family members, and there are only so many likes, comments, and shares that scrolling newsfeeds can hold.

Check out some of the helpful tips below:

  • Show them your personality. Facebook offers countless ways to express yourself so your followers get to know the real you. One of the ways to reach your followers is by showing them your personality. The Facebook algorithm considers engagement opportunities like your posts, photos, and friends and constantly checks your behavior to see how you interact with people.
  • Share some behind-the-scene photos. The app allows you to add photos and videos to your ads to boost engagement. But did you know you can also share behind-the-scenes photos on Facebook? This helps you build deeper connections with your audience, and by sharing photos of your business from your point of view, you tell a story about your brand.
  • Facebook’s algorithm is constantly shifting, so how do you make your posts stand out? Great imagery, video, and a call to action increase your engagement, which in turn increases your reach. Facebook arms businesses with an array of tools to help optimize their pages for the audience they’re trying to reach.
  • Use Facebook Insights to learn more about your audience. This is a neat tool that lets you learn a ton about your audience and their habits. For instance, you may find that your audience is most active on Wednesday at 4:00 pm EST and others. And if you have Facebook for business, Insights is even more important since it allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your audience’s demographics, behavior, and needs so you can tailor your business page to provide the best experience.
  • Add your content accordingly. Facebook has been “sharing” a lot of tips for marketers and advertisers. One of the best tips to increase engagement on your Facebook page is to add your content accordingly. If your content isn’t relevant to your fans, it won’t get much attention. Also, check your page’s insights. You can nurture those relationships by publishing more relevant content when you know what people interact with most. However, don’t fall into the “set it and forget it” trap. Instead, post regularly, but vary your topics and visual content.

Facebook is one of the most popular social media on the internet today. In the coming years, there are expected to be billions of Facebook users worldwide. All this means that marketers need to put the platform to good use. Marketers and businesses can take advantage of some of the ways Facebook can enhance its social media marketing.

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